The Power Of You

When we were children we believed that everything that was being taught to us was in fact “reality”. Then as we matured we discover that “truth’ and “reality” are not two in the same. Additionally we discover that our heritage is quite different from others who believe their lives are “Normal” , “Real”, or “True”. At one time in our lives, we all believed everything we were taught.


From birth, we relied on our adults to educate us…Is that what people really do? Do we educate our children according to our beliefs? Some people do, and some people do not.


At what age do we begin to seek and find the knowledge that was not taught to us in some way? Have you ever asked yourself …”Am I a product of my environment? Is this the life I truly wanted or was this a life that was imposed upon me in some way? Was my life formed through pressure or decisions and choices?

Truth…Reality…Perception…Opinion…Fact??? When, Where, What?…

The journey to the core of oneself can be a difficult process if we truly examine ourselves without “filtering”. When we analyze our lives as we mature we eventually realize that the information we have been taught our entire lives as “truth” was in fact their truths, not necessarily ours.

When we decide who and what we are in life and what we want to accomplish we really begin to see the world in a totally different way. The world quickly becomes an ocean of orders, rules, regulations, protocols. Within a very short period of exposure to these types of environments, every aspect of our thinking is now becoming different. Right?


When we look into the mirror…the person looking back is the most important person in our life. We believe ourselves more than anyone, anybody or anything. The problem is oftentimes we alter the people we are and stifle our beliefs due to many different social pressures. These pressures can be from our workplaces, our families and our homes, and even in our churches.



Has someone ever made you feel as if you were some kind of nobody?

Has some ever disrespected you, manipulated you, and or humiliated you?

Has anyone ever abused you psychologically?

How exactly does this occur? When and where in our lives did we decide it was o.k. for someone to treat us this way? For many of us, these problems started early on in our lives as children. We learned to adapt to our circumstances despite our beliefs.

When we examine ourselves in the mirror we can see the reality of our lives in plain sight. Outside of that mirror how quickly do we become in each environment we enter. Have you ever made excuses to get out of something due to pressure, abuse, or manipulation?

How many times did you reach out for “help” only to get advice that confused and hurt you even more than the negatives in your life? How many times have you looked in a mirror and thought to yourself…”This has got to stop?”.

Negativity, manipulation, pressure, are the mind killers. These are highly toxic and form natural opinions of ourselves. This reaction causes us to question the realities of our lives. Removing ourselves from these environments needs to be the priority.

Days, weeks, months, and years can be wasted one day at a time. Each day and week thinking…” Something has to change, I am better than this”. The truth is you are…you always were, but somehow, someway, something happened.




Every time we allow someone to manipulate us in some way is certainly has an effect on us. Both on a conscious level and a subconscious level. Regardless of how we justify our actions, there is an action for every reaction. and reaction for every action,  and so on and so on.

Are you being abused at work or at home? Is that affecting you as a person because you feel trapped? This happens to millions of people, and the first thing they seem to do is reach out for advice and in some cases counseling and advice from church members and clergy.

Many times reaching out to others in times of crisis and difficult situations can be very damaging to our lives. In most cases, people are looking for support, empathy, direction, and this is where the real damage occurs. This is when we begin to doubt ourselves because we have been traumatized in some way and we cannot think clearly for several days.

People get advice, opinions, ideas, and even make difficult life-changing decisions based on the information provided for a source we deem as trustable and or honest. Why do we not consult the person in the mirror first? Why is prayer last on the list? Why do we not seek the bible first before asking other people?


Why are the words Jesus spoke second to some “psyc” majors? They are not second to anything or anyone unless we seek other counsel. The bible says that Jesus is the great counselor, not “psyc” majors. The last person your should trust with your vulnerabilities is a master psychiatrist who stands to gain financially from your despair.



The other problem when reaching out to others is you have exposed many aspects of your life and this will directly affect that environment somehow permanently. This can often time cause embarrassment and even humiliation causing awkward and difficult interactions that will soon cease to exist.


At what point in our lives did we decide the advice for someone else was better than the way we actually think and feel about our lives?

At what point in our lives did we decide we need validation for our beliefs?

At what point in our lives did we decide that standing up for ourselves was s a risk?

Did you know that over 40% of psychiatrists are sued for malpractice sometime in their careers?

Did you know psychiatrists have the highest suicide rate of any profession?

Did you know that 40% of families of law enforcement report abuse, stalking, and even murder?

Did you know that law enforcement has the highest domestic violence rate of any profession?

At what point in your life did you decide you need help from someone else? How many times have you realized you are the one that is taking all of the responsibility and your actions are the result of the decisions you are making, most people did not want advice…

They wanted acceptance. They wanted someone to listen to them without responding positively or negatively. They just wanted to hear a different perspective, not to have their reality altered by someone’s opinion.

How many times have you prayed without seeing your desired result? Have you ever considered GOD is still doing work in you and the work si not complete? Have you ever considered seeking out your own advice through prayer and meditation? The person you will believe the most is yourself. Are you spending adequate time dedicated to your own thoughts and beliefs?



If you believe you are not beautiful, amazing, awesome…then you need to spend more time with yourself because somehow someway your environment is poisoning your ability to see yourself for the beautiful person you truly are.


The reality is most people are not truly trapped. That is a perception based on the fear of dramatic changes. The truth is they probably stand to lose everything that life has to offer including family and friends. This can be humiliating, financially devastating, and could possibly disrupt a person’s life for many years and the lives of others.


These are not decisions anyone else should be making for ourselves. Our decisions need to be based on our beliefs and our own personal standards. Consequences vs. Changes or possibly both.

What are the other options? Continue to lose pride and personal self-esteem?

Continue to erode our own personal values and beliefs?

Continue the life of shame, manipulation, rejection, fear, and humiliation?


Every time we look in the mirror what do we see?…

Who we really are?…

What we have become?…

What we are becoming?…

What someone said we were?…


If we are disappointed with the person in the mirror how can we change that without the help of other people?

Read the Bible?…


Meditating our perspectives and blessings?

Sounds too easy right? How many hours do we actually force ourselves to do these things?…

Eat right?




That all sounds good until people actually go to do either or any of the above. Why is it we find it difficult to do the things in life we actually need to be doing for ourselves? Why is immediate gratification over riding the long-term rewards of self-discipline?…

We should be fascinated and disturbed as to why we feel compelled to have other people make us feel good and accepted if we have difficulty doing that ourselves.

Have you ever really thought to yourself as to why you would even consider the advice from another person?

Rejection can be eliminated at the root of the source…Remove ourselves from the rejection and it will no longer exist unless you allow those thoughts to reoccur.

If you are considering counseling, advice, medications, or psychiatrists, maybe you should consider this…

What if you spent all of the time and money on yourself doing things you enjoy by yourself instead of paying someone for their advice?…

Why waste your time, effort, and hard-earned money.

Live happy and free. Your life matters.

“The Power Of You” should never be underestimated…Especially by you.


“The Freak”








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