Put on the full armor of God as you take your stand against Satan…
This is one sentence from a letter written by an inmate who had given his life to God after years of persecuting Christians. The letter was written while he was still in prison, after his release he was incarcerated again and kept in prison until his death.
Ironically… several of the books in the holy bible were written by the same inmate.
Do you think about that when you judge people today?
Do you typically take the advice of inmates?
Multiple books in the Bible were written by this inmate…
The holy scripture is filled with complaints about…
Governments, religious leaders, people in authority, and immorality…
Endless complaints and recordings of abuse are the Holy Scriptures…
However, conversely, nothing has changed in 2,000 years…
Why not? I did.
All the churches in the world for 2,000 years did not change the course of history?
Why? Was the bible not clear for all to read?
What is it you are learning in church…I hope you did a background check on them and every staff member in the church…because you would not want an inmate anywhere in your “upper rooms”.
Good thing your church is regulated by a godless government…that way you can be certain you are covered on both sides of the coin.
I mean as long as they can clear a background test they are “Golden & Silvern”.
Do you read the bible…or…do you READ the bible?
Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Am I delusional…did something change? Is this scripture not taught in churches around the world to this day?
Typically just leave this particular sentence would be left out because it may offend someone of authority in your congregation….
That is exactly how this inmate would write to the church of this day…
“Political Abuse is a real thing and it is not a delusion…it is a reality for many of us, the truth is most people just don’t care life is just a game, a tradition, a ritual”.
“Being abused in prison is a real thing, and nobody cares except the inmate”.