The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is GOD…

When I was a very young boy around the age of 5 I loved to spend the summers with my grandparents who were elderly more than most grandparents. I say this because my father who was born on Christmas day was a miracle baby because my grandmother was not to have anymore children safely at her age. His sister was already gone away to college when my dad was born.

Undoubtedly this was my grandpas dream come true and answered prayers. My grandpa was illiterate. He could not read or write. My grandmother would read the bible to him and on rare occasions he would go to church. My grandpa was a holy man. His ignorance was in fact his relationship to the God I worship.

My grandparents had a bible in every room of their house, and I read them all…all the time. They were all King James versions and difficult to interpret and understand at the age of around 5? All I can remember is reading the words written in red. They fascinated me and I loved to read about this Jesus. They kept an older bible in the very small bathroom where I loved to play in the bath tub. I would play in the tub with my little fisher price boat until I had shriveled fingers and feet.

I would read that bible in the bathroom every time I went. The Bible was attracting me, and so were the words of Jesus Christ. I grew up in a small rural community where every thing in the “world” was attractive and fascinating. One day, one decision, one song, one T.V. show, one friend…I became consumed by the world and not the Holy Spirit.

I remember the presence of The Holy Spirit before I even Knew it was God. I just knew that reading the Bible made sense and it made me feel good. How on earth was I able to read and understand scripture at my earliest childhood memories? All my life I went to church but it was never the same as reading the Bible. I never really read the Bible again that I remember.

I read those Bibles for a couple of years. I was still reading the Bible in the bathroom when my grandparents found my highway to hell cassettes. One day your in the tub playing with your boat, the next day your listening to satanic music that you thought was just like a horror show with music.

Then one day I am in jail…over and over and over again. Then prison. The only way God could get me to him was when I was incarcerated. The only place I would read my Bible. I did not realize this was God calling me home time and time again. The same God who was calling me to read about this Jesus my grandparents worshiped.

In the summers I would wake up to the sound of their voices as they prayed in their beds before they ever got up. They would pray for 30 minutes or more  every single day before getting out of bed. Then we prayed at every meal 3 times a day. Then at night I would fall asleep listening to them pray again for 30 minutes or more.

It was like listening to angels sing…Never in my 50 years of life have I ever heard people pray like that…Ever. They taught me how to pray and I never realized that was happening. Their lives were filled with the Holy Spirit. Their life of dedicated prayer kept them in close contact with God. When they died…so did I.

I had lost the only people who understood and loved me. I had family and friends all churched people, but not like my grandparents. They were truly one of a kind. I never realized how special they were…special. They showed and taught me the value of the Christian life and I loved it…but I never once tried to live that way. Why?

The world had shamed me into thinking I was worthless and Christ kept restoring me. I cannot imagine where my life would have went had they not been Holy? These people were incapable of impure thinking. I could never be like them, or so I rebelieved.

I became baptized by the Holy Spirit about a year ago. A totally different experience than my baptisms in my youth. When I was baptized as a child it was with the mind of a child. When the Holy Spirit came into my life this time…I cannot explain the difference. Millions of written words could not explain my relationship with Christ this last year.

I spent 40 years in the wilderness on the wide path to be tested, tortured, and tempted by Satan to worship him and his ways. I realize now how Jesus felt the day he went to the top of the mountain. The Bible says that blasphemy is the decision to go against the Holy Spirit. I have spent my life in poverty for the ultimate decision for any humans life.

Will I conform to the ways of the world? Or will I continue to follow the Holy Spirits guidance? That is no longer a decision…this is my life.

I am born to be a peacemaker. An independent who will stand upon the truth of the Bible and not rituals that seem to conduct religious and political behaviors. Why? In my life of worship we take communion in Remembrance of God and to become like God to the best of our ability, that now I see is a growing choice as I mature into Christianity as a way of life.

I believe that most people are doing and living what they believe is the right way to live…and it is…for them…not me. My relationship with Christ is non-negotiable and cannot be bought or sold for any price. Jesus gave his life so I could live in paradise some day with a God I cannot even imagine…his dad is GOD.

I cannot count the times the Devil has shown me all that he controls and by just bowing down to the ways of the world I would be enriched with many desires of the flesh. I used to think fighting the good fight of God was debating the errors of the world. Now I have learned the Bible is very clear to not be involved with such activities and continue to renew mind mind as God continues to soften my hardened heart.

There is a spiritual cancer that has seemed to be infectious to the point of the antichrist as explained in scripture. There have been antichrists for over 2,000 years and they will continue to deceive all who will listen…especially the influencers that are selected by evil spirits. These evil spirits enter the minds of many Godly believers. I myself have been tricked and treated many times.

I have chose to follow Jesus and there is no turning back. I lived my life professing I was a Christian, and I was…just lacking real Christian maturity and faith. I believe these pagan rituals and satanic rituals go back to the beginning of time. I believe that crucifixions’ were not just a form of capitol punishment… They were sacrificing humans to their sun god.

I learned in the scriptures to not ever waste my time trying to figure out the ways of the world but to continue to study the scriptures of life itself. I do not see any difference in the world today than it was 2,000 years ago. People are still being ritualistically sacrificed through lack of allegiance against the Holy Spirit.

Jesus said I should not be concerned with those who threaten my life but to live to please the God that holds the keys to Heaven and Hades. Either way some day I will die the same as everyone will, I chose to die with peace and for peace and serve God with my heart and my lifestyle is now a true living sacrifice to the person I used to be.

                                                                                                                         “The Freak”











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