God is not dead…
Often times we can question the existence of God based in our lives which are more than unfair, to say the least.
Especially if we are abused by clergy and religious leaders, politicians, employers, or even family and freinds However, this has been the reality for over 2,000 years.
I myself have prayed all of my life for and about many things, and often I felt as if God was never going to answer my prayers. I realize that God does in fact know all of my problems and injustices and for whatever reason, my life has become biblical…Literally.
Do you feel as if God is dead?
Do you feel you are being abused by authority?
Do you feel you are being abused by religious leaders?
God is never dead…
God will never be dead…
God cannot die…
God is the alpha and the omega…
The reality is people are never going to admit what they are doing in “secret”, and it will be near impossible to confront these types of abusive people…they will deny anything you ever speak of and will likely set out to destroy your reputation.
I would rather be dead than betray Christ..How about you???