James – The Brother of Jesus Christ

The Book of James Changed My Life…


I was recently conducting a personal bible study on the book of James. As I read every single word of scripture I felt an immediate sense of comfort as if it was the written words of Christ himself. I spent 35 years actively in church and never even knew that Jesus had a brother.


I have learned more about the bible and Jesus Christ in the last 3 years than I did within decades of attending church. There were a few scriptures that really took an immediate root in my life and dramatic changes certainly did follow.


I have made it my ambition to work until the day I die, lead a simple and quiet life, focus on my family, and trust in GOD with all of my heart. Many of the words in this book was as if I had never read them at all, and the truth is if I had read them before, then it had been 10-15 years ago…at least.


I have primarily always just studied the words that Jesus actually spoke himself, and decided to go further into the study of the New Testament. I have recently concluded every written word except the book of revelations that I have read many times before.


I truly believe that the written words of the Holy Bible are alive and well since the day they were recorded thousands of years ago. I have studied the bible since I was a very young child and every year as I mature in Christianity each scripture seems to have a progressive meaning…


The older I become the scriptures have a different effect on my life as I grow closer and closer to meeting God…When I die I want God to say “Well done my good and faithful servant” your sins have been forgiven and the crown of life is yours forever and ever…” Welcome Home”.


How about you???


“The Freak”


































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